
Yotsuya Campus Environment Improvement with Student Participation 

  • Sophia School Corporation
  • Student Staffs

The area from the Yotsuya Campus Main Gate to the East Gate along the main street has been undergoing exterior construction work since September 2021. This construction is the first phase of the Yotsuya Campus Environment Improvement Plan, which is being implemented in three phrases through March 2024.  

An illustration of the completed new campus drawn by student staff is displayed in front of Building No. 2 to make students more aware about the plan. A student contest to solicit names for the terraced steps in front of historic Building No. 1 was held, with S-Terrasse being chosen. The S stands for “Sophia,” “sustainability” and “share.” The aim of inviting student participation in campus design is to encourage student attachment to the campus and the cherishing of their connections with other people and with nature.