  • トップ
  • Initiatives
  • Sophia University has successfully decarbonized the electricity used across all its campuses in line with RE100 criteria

Sophia University has successfully decarbonized the electricity used across all its campuses in line with RE100 criteria

  • Sophia School Corporation

From June 1, 2020, when Sophia University introduced 100% renewable electricity at Yotsuya Campus (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo), it has been gradually introducing renewable electricity at its other campuses. The remaining low-voltage power used at Hadano Campus is now sourced by 100% renewable electricity (*1) as of November 2023.

As a result, the electricity used on all Sophia University campuses, which collectively amount to approximately 22 million kwh per year, has been replaced by renewable energy which virtually does not emit carbon dioxide. We have achieved the target set by the Renewable Energy University League of Japan to convert all electricity used on campus to renewable power during 2030-40 ahead of schedule. (*2)

*1 The renewable electricity is in line with the criteria set out by RE100, a global initiative.
*2 Electricity consumption in FY2022.

Renewable Energy University League of Japan website: https://www.re-u-league.org/about-1/
This excludes off-campus dormitories, leased properties where we bear no authority, and meter-rate/flat-rate lighting.