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  • Initiatives
  • Working to Realize an Inclusive Society By Having All New Students Take the Universal Manners Test Level 3

Working to Realize an Inclusive Society By Having All New Students Take the Universal Manners Test Level 3

  • Sophia School Corporation

About 3,000 new students who enrolled in academic year 2022 have taken an e-learning course on Level 3 of the Universal Manners Test. The test is administered by Mirairo Inc., which created and provided a course specifically for new Sophia University students in an on-demand format. In the course, students learn the fundamentals of interacting with elderly and disabled people and how to reach out to them, and also consider their own behavior in various scenarios involving other people. Nearly 90% of the new students successfully completed the course and acquired Level 3 certification. The results of a survey showed a high level of satisfaction at 98% and many students answered that they had learned something new or gained a new perspective.

There were also many responses along the line of “I was very grateful to be able to take this test as part of a university program.” Other feedback included, “I learned that the world is full of people I did not realize needed help. I will try and be conscious of these people in my everyday life so I can be of assistance.”
The new students were able to gain a new awareness as a step forward toward realizing a more inclusive society.
