
Display of Electricity Conservation Awareness Posters in Building No. 6 

  • Club & Circles
  • Sophia School Corporation
  • Student Staffs

The Office of Property and the Office of Sophia Sustainability Promotion collaborated with student group +Re: to create unique electricity conservation awareness posters and light switch displays for Building No. 6.

The matter of leaving all light banks on in empty or near-empty classrooms was raised in discussions with +Re:, and the Office of Property was also consulted about electricity conservation awareness on campus. The university thought that conservation awareness could be more effectively planned with student participation, so the Office of Property, the Office of Sophia Sustainability Promotion and +Re: collaborated on posters to raise awareness of campus electricity conservation.

With consideration given to visibility and how to communicate the electricity conservation message, the group devised unique posters in the form of a quiz and added number stickers next to light switches to make it easier to identify the lights for each switch. It is difficult to determine what percentage reduction can be achieved at this stage, but electricity usage in Building No. 6 will be checked after about three months to confirm.

Based on the knowledge gained in this effort, expanding the effort to more classrooms will be considered. Although it is difficult to be aware of electricity consumption and its impact on climate change in terms of CO₂ emissions, it is hoped that students will recognize that there will be future effects and that they can contribute with small efforts and make it a habit to also reduce electricity consumption in their own homes.